Thursday, October 24, 2024

Online Opportunities – Sponsorships


Digital Editions

Available for all of our digital editions year round, see a publishing schedule here.

See a previous example here

Top banner: 728×90 .jpeg or .gif (80kb max)
Sidebar options (click for examples):

1. 380×500 .jpeg or .gif (120kb max)
2. 30-second video with short description/logo
3. Combination image / overlayed video

Videos play automatically when the page loads.


Event Previews

Available during NATPE, DISCOP Istanbul, MIPTV, L.A. Screenings, NATPE Europe, MIPCOM, AFM and ATF.

World Screen Previews are heavily promoted during their associated events. This includes a mailer blast to our 30,000+ Newsflash subscribers, news item announcements, banners and notices throughout our websites and weekly newsletters.

See a previous example here

Top banner:
468×120 .jpeg or .gif (80kb max)

Featured Video:
30-second to 5-minute clip
H.264 .MP4 at 480p or higher (recommended), 50MB max.


Screening Rooms

WorldScreenings is a useful resource for the TV industry uniting thousands of clips from hundreds of distributors into one easy to navigate destination.

WorldScreenings offers featured videos both on its main homepage and also on its various event pages. WorldScreenings event pages are heavily promoted during NATPE, DISCOP Istanbul, MIPTV, L.A. Screenings, NATPE Europe, MIPCOM, AFM and ATF.

Coverage includes a mailer blast to our 30,000+ World Screen Newsflash subscribers, news item announcements, banners and notices throughout our websites and weekly newsletters.

See a previous example here.

Promotional mailer blasts include your company logo and an image of your highlighted video which links directly to the event page where it is hosted. See a previous mailer here.

Company Logo
Featured Video: Up to 5-minute clip
H.264 .MP4 at 480p or higher (recommended), 200MB max.
Title and Description of featured show.


World Screen App

The World Screen App delivers programming listings, news and a range of resources to help users make the most out of their time at the markets.

Sponsorship of the app includes:

  • Your large program images on the homepage
  • Your logo on the homepage
  • An icon on the homepage that links to Your company info, up to 10 programs with images/videos and descriptions.

Download the app from the App Store and Google Play Store.

Your logo will also appear in a mailer sent out to our 30,000+ Newsflash list. See a previous mailer here.

Up to 3 1536×922 pixel images. (Please try to keep the bottom 100 pixels free of text, as we will overlay that part of the image with the text “Explore all of YOUR COMPANY’s latest highlights below”).

Up to 10 videos: Ideal specifications are for the video to be at least a 640 pixels across in size, a .mov or .mp4 file encoded using H264, 5 minutes or less in length and under 100MB in size.

Your company logo for the icon and header.
