U.K. HDTV Adopters More Likely to Buy 3DTVs


LONDON: Consumers in the U.K. who already own a high-definition television set are twice as likely to purchase a 3D TV within the next year, according to a survey from analyst firm Strategy Analytics.

Around 13 percent of HDTV owners surveyed indicated an intention to buy a 3DTV set within the next 12 months, while only 6 percent of the responding U.K. residents who don’t own an HD set said they would. The survey of more than 700 U.K. consumers rebuffs the commonly held assumption that people who have already bought an HDTV are not likely to upgrade to a new 3DTV set any time soon.

“The fact that HDTV owners are more than twice as likely as non-owners to purchase a 3DTV contradicts a common industry assumption,” said Ben Piper, the director of the Strategy Analytics Multiplay Market Dynamics service.

“HDTV ownership is clearly no barrier to 3DTV adoption,” added David Mercer, principal analyst at Strategy Analytics. “In fact as usual it is the same early adopters who have already bought an HDTV who are most likely to be the first to buy 3DTVs.”