Werner Herzog’s Volcanologist Doc Scores Presales

The Fire Within: A Requiem for Katia and Maurice Krafft, written, directed and narrated by Werner Herzog, has been presold to broadcasters throughout Europe.

The documentary pays homage to the volcanologists, who left more than 200 hours of footage of their final journey, which ended in tragedy on June 3, 1991, when they were killed by a pyroclastic flow from Mount Unzen. ARTE (France and Germany), BBC Storyville (the U.K.), DR (Denmark), SVT (Sweden) and NRK (Norway) have acquired the film.

Produced by Brian Leith Productions, Bonne Pioche and Titan Films, the documentary is distributed by Abacus Media Rights. Mandy Leith, Alexandre Soullier and Julien Dumont serve as producers, while Jess Winteringham is the archive producer. The film is based on an original idea from Peter Lown, who has followed the production process.

“We feel honoured to have the opportunity to distribute The Fire Within,” said Jonathan Ford, managing director of Abacus Media Rights. “It is an exceptional piece of storytelling by one of the world’s greatest filmmakers. As well as being a glorious feast for the eyes, it reveals the intensity and determination of a couple who died fearlessly pursuing their absolute passion of volcano exploration.”

Soullier, producer and partner at Bonne Pioche, added, “Katia and Maurice Krafft. Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Paul-Emile Victor. Theodore Monod. These French explorers and adventurers who have become mythical rocked my childhood. I immersed myself in their stories, in their films and in their books as a child. Their images have permeated my imagination. The Kraffts are myths of French exploration; through their work they have reached a wide audience by making science extraordinary. Discovering their archives three years ago with my friends at Brian Leith Productions was a shock, a revelation. The Kraffts were born storytellers, as is Werner Herzog. Uniting his vision, his talent, his sensitivity to the fabulous material collected by the Kraffts can only result in a bubbling, mesmeric and powerful film. Watching Werner Herzog’s Grizzly Man was a unique experience for me. Sometimes disturbing. Powerful. Captivating. No doubt The Fire Within will be the new Grizzly Man. But of volcanoes.”

Leith, executive producer for Brian Leith Productions, said, “Producer Pete Lown told me of the Kraffts’ story several years ago. As he did so, I experienced goosebumps along my arms. When I viewed the Kraffts’ awesome footage and heard their voices recorded over 30 years ago, I experienced shivers down my spine. My immediate reaction convinced me that this was a film that we had to make. We immediately went into a thorough development period, with numerous research trips to France, to the Kraffts’ archive, to our contributors, to the Kraffts’ hometown and to see their graves. Being directed, written and narrated by Werner Herzog, with his vision and creativity, will produce a moving and truly authentic requiem to their memory. And to have joined forces with our talented friends at Bonne Pioche, along with the enthusiasm and commitment of Titan Films, is the best outcome for our film that we could possibly have wished for.”

Dumont, executive producer for Titan Films Production, said, “I grew up with Krafft; I remember the book that Maurice signed for my parents. If I wanted to be a volcanologist as a child, it was clearly Maurice and Katia’s fault. Now, as a producer and curator, I have this incredible opportunity to protect and restore a lifetime of work. To dive into these rare accounts of the most powerful and dangerous events on Earth is something unique. Maurice and Katia were also unique: scientists, filmmakers, photographers, writers, adventurers… They were among the first to study and document the most deadly volcanoes: the grey volcanoes—they perished as a couple on Mount Unzen in a pyroclastic flow. Their legacy is enormous and sometimes unknown to the general public. We owe them this film. A film that inspires passion and abnegation.”

Lown, producer for Brian Leith Productions, commented, “The Kraffts’ story is almost fable-like: two people who fell in love through their shared passion for volcanoes until it became an all-consuming obsession that would eventually claim their lives. But through accepting their fate—their inevitable death—they discovered a hidden realm that exists right here on Earth, they witnessed the powers of creation and destruction, and they filmed it all. For years I have dreamt of discovering what lay hidden in their archive. And now with Werner as our guide, we are embarking on that journey. Their raw material will be brought to life, not only allowing us to meet this inspirational couple but the chance to see the world as they saw it—the beauty, the majesty and the overwhelming elemental power.”