TV Real Screenings Festival: BossaNova Media

The Andes Tragedy: 50 Years Later, which tells the definitive story of the Uruguayan rugby team whose plane disappeared in the Andes in 1972, is among BossaNova Media’s selections in the TV Real Screenings Festival.

Of The Andes Tragedy: 50 Years Later, Tatiana Grinkevich, senior sales manager, says: “One of the most harrowing and fascinating survival stories of all time is retold by the survivors and experts, as we relive their journey and gain new insights into the infamous crash that brought them to the very brink of humanity.”

BossaNova also has a new science series in the ten-part Engineering Repurposed. “Innovation is at the heart of this series as we see amazing sites on their journey to being upcycled into modern wonders,” Grinkevich notes.