True-Crime Series The Innocence Network Set for France

PARIS: Pernel Media has been commissioned by the French pay-TV channel 13éme Rue to produce a new true-crime series, The Innocence Network, which all3media international is representing in the global market.

The 4×60-minute factual entertainment series features true-crime stories derived through unprecedented access to two members of the Innocence Network, the Innocence Project New York and the Innocence Project New Orleans. all3media international has struck a distribution agreement to sell the series internationally and will launch the show at MIPTV. Pernel Media will produce both a French- and English-language version of the series. Both versions will feature closed U.S. cases of The Innocence Project in New York and New Orleans, while the French version will also feature ongoing French cases that are still in progress.

Samuel Kissous, the president of Pernel Media, said: “It is fascinating to work hand in hand with The Innocence Project in the U.S. and France to reveal these compelling cases. Since the organization and their work first came to our attention and we developed The Innocence Network together, we’ve experienced an extraordinary amount of international broadcaster interest in the project and look forward to working with all3media international to secure the show’s international future.”

Vanessa Potkin, a senior staff attorney at the Innocence Network who is featured in the series, added: “We are grateful to Pernel Media for its probing exploration of wrongful convictions. Sharing the harrowing stories of some of the people who have been wrongly convicted will bring critical attention to the flaws in the criminal justice system that contributed to these terrible injustices.”