Showtime to Premiere Legal Thriller Doc Buried

The four-part documentary series Buried, which explores the relationship between memories and criminal cases, is slated to roll out on Showtime on October 10.

Buried tells a story about how one woman’s long-repressed memory of her childhood best friend’s murder sparked a national debate about the power and limitations of memory in the court of law. It spotlights the reverberations of this first criminal case based on a recovered memory and analyzes how unreliable the mind can be.

Eileen Franklin, while playing with her young daughter, suddenly had a memory of witnessing the rape and murder of her childhood best friend, 8-year-old Susan Nason. This led to a re-opening of the case that had gone unsolved for nearly 20 years. When Franklin came forward with her memory, she told the police that she remembered the murderer was her own father, George Franklin. Buried reveals the consequences of that assertion and the questions it sparked about the accuracy and reliability of unearthing traumatic events in the court of law. The docuseries features first-person testimonials of family, neighbors, memory experts, law enforcement, mental health professionals and others.

Showtime will release all four episodes of Buried to its subscribers at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday, October 10, prior to its on-air debut that night at 9 p.m.

Buried is co-produced by MA Productions and Guendelman & Timor Productions. It is written and directed by Yotam Guendelman (Shadow of Truth) and Ari Pines (Shadow of Truth, Coastal Road Killer).