Curse of the Bermuda Triangle to Launch on Science Channel

The brand-new Science Channel series Curse of the Bermuda Triangle, produced by American Chainsaws Entertainment, is set to premiere on February 9.

In the series, a team of boat captains and divers seeks to unravel some of the biggest secrets surrounding the Bermuda Triangle. The members of the Triangle Research and Investigation Group, or TRIG team, explore the depths of the ocean floor for clues and evidence. Curse of the Bermuda Triangle’s premiere will follow the TRIG team as it investigates the case of a squadron of Navy aircraft that flew into the Bermuda Triangle on a routine training mission in 1945 and was never seen again.

Other mysteries the team investigates throughout the series include a missing diver who disappeared in an area believed to be the home of a mysterious sea monster, purported UFO activity, the disappearance of a luxury yacht and an unusually high concentration of USO sightings.