Youth Media Alliance Awards 2020 Winners Unveiled

The Youth Media Alliance (YMA) revealed the 18 French-language youth television programs and interactive production winners during the virtual celebration of the Youth Media Alliance Awards of Excellence Gala, hosted by Catherine Ethier.

The winners of the Award of Excellence for the Best Television Program or Webseries were Écho Média Productions’ On parle de sexe 2 (Knowledge Acquisition and Development of Critical Thinking, short); KOTV’s Clovis (Knowledge Acquisition and Development of Critical Thinking, over 20 minutes); Trio Orange’s Cochon dingues 3 (Stimulation of the Imagination and Creativity); Attraction Images and Pamplemousse Média’s Mammouth 2019 (Commitment, Openness to the World and Respect); Productions Avenida’s Jenny 2–Ma reconstruction (Aspirational Content); and KOTV’s 14 mille millions de choses à savoir (Empowerment Through Play and Humour). The Jury Special Mention Award went to La course des tuques, produced by Carpediem Film & TV.

Honored with the Award of Excellence for the Best Interactive Content were MAJ, l’actualité pour les jeunes (Knowledge Acquisition and Development of Critical Thinking); Blogue de Jenny 2 (Commitment, Openness to the World and Respect); and Par ici la magie–Technomagie 3.0 (Stimulation of the Imagination and Creativity/Empowerment through Play and Humour).

The Audience Favourite Awards recognized Arthur L’aventurier au bout du monde en Australie (preschool, 2 to 5); Le 422 (children, 6 to 12); and L’Académie (teens, 13+).

Gabrielle Fontaine, Daniel Coutu and MAMMOUTH co-hosts Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse and Pier-Luc Funk were honored with Awards of Excellence for Outstanding Youth Personality.

For the Youth Media Alliance Special Awards of Excellence 2020, the Outstanding Achievement Prize was awarded to Pierre Théorêt, while the Emerging Generation Prize was awarded to Erika Mathieu.