Spotlight: One Animation


One Animation’s twice Emmy-nominated comedy show, Oddbods, is currently aired by more than 60 broadcasters around the world and further sales are on its planner.

The animated series follows an eccentric group of friends as they navigate through the hazards of everyday life, who “teach kids that our quirks and differences make us who we are and should be celebrated,” says Sashim Parmanand, CEO of One Animation.

Last month, the company launched with goGame, SEGA and Hardlight the OddbodsTurbo Run endless runner game, which has been translated into ten languages. One Animation will launch its first of 15 indoor Oddbods-themed playgrounds in China next quarter. Aside from Oddbods, the studio’s other properties include Hard Boiled, a buddy comedy centered on sleuthing best friends, and a series about adventuring ants called Antiks.

“Our shows have always been about creating magical and immersive storytelling brought to life with the very latest animation techniques,” says Parmanand.