Shadow Valley Readies Meet The WalkerZ

Shadow Valley Productions is set to unveil the new animated comedy series Meet The WalkerZ, based on the comic book series The Adventures of Zombie Dog by Jonathan Sanborn.

Adapted for all media by head writer Grant Boucher, Meet The WalkerZ is a family-friendly series about a wonderfully unusual vegan zombie family that wins a game show and gets a rare opportunity to be the first family of their kind to live a “life” in human society. Targeted towards children ages 6 to 11, the series is currently in production on an initial 4×22-minute miniseries. A trailer for Meet The WalkerZ will roll out on September 1.

Jeremy L. Christensen, co-creator and producer, said: “What really drew me to produce Meet the WalkerZ was realizing the potential the comic book had to create a very unique and diverse lineup of characters cuddled by fun-hearted family-values all of which is hidden behind an unusual zombie (but extraordinarily friendly) lifestyle. From ‘Fear to Friendship’ is the motto. I held onto and carried around the comic for four years knowing there was no way I was not going to make this into something remarkable and fun for all. We are so happy that it is coming to fruition and look forward to sharing this animated adventure with others.”