Nickelodeon Launches #KidsTogether Initiative


Nickelodeon has unveiled the global multiplatform prosocial initiative #KidsTogether, which is using popular characters and talent to share tips for staying healthy and ideas for in-home activities for the whole family.

The initiative aims to serve as an additional resource for parents while providing kid-appropriate information through original short-form videos, interstitials, downloadable activities and social content. Among the titles featured in #KidsTogether are SpongeBob SquarePants, Blue’s Clues & You!, Henry Danger, Bubble Guppies and The Casagrandes. Elements of the initiative will be aggregated for easy access on a central online destination,

Included in the #KidsTogether’s content offer is original short-form digital and linear content such as SpongeBob practicing social distancing, the Bubble Guppies demonstrating proper hand-washing techniques and Chickaletta and the PAW Patrol performing dance moves to promote physical activity and wellness. There’s also Nick-branded interstitials made in partnership with GoNoodle that encourage kids to get up and get moving. Printable Blue’s Clues & You! activity sheets and Bubble Guppies coloring pages are also available.

Further, starting next week, Noggin, Nickelodeon’s direct-to-consumer interactive learning service for preschoolers, will be offered for free for three months. This was made possible with the help of national partner organizations, including the National Head Start Association and First Book. Noggin’s free trial period will also be extended to 60 days to all new subscribers, effective at the end of the month.

Nickelodeon’s #KidsTogether initiative is part of ViacomCBS and Ad Council’s recently announced #AloneTogether, a national social- and talent-led campaign that educates audiences on the importance of social distancing and drives unity through entertainment.