Kuroba! Gets New Toy Line & Animated Content

Sutikki has introduced Kuroba!, a new brand that will launch at retail and on YouTube this summer in the U.S.

The brand targets girls ages 6 to 9. Playmates Toys will serve as the master toy partner for Kuroba! and will roll out a range of products based on the brand beginning this summer in the U.S. An international rollout is planned for spring 2019.

Sutikki licensed the patented and proprietary toy innovation at the heart of the Kuroba! brand from BOTI Global, a Hong Kong-based toy development company, to develop an animation and merchandising program based on this toy ideation. Sutikki is currently in production on more than 220 minutes of animated Kuroba! content and is overseeing its distribution. This includes a summer 2018 premiere on YouTube.com/Kurobaworld and across a number of social media platforms.

The “Kuroba” are powerful spirits who have lived in peace and friendship for many years, bringing harmony to the world.

Kuroba! has the potential to be the next big toy phenomenon for young girls,” said Karl Aronian, senior VP of marketing for Playmates Toys. “The brand takes a remarkable toy innovation, combines it with a familiar and proven form of game-play, and weaves in customization and collectability to make it a genuinely original offering.”

“It has been an amazing experience working with the great people of Sutikki and Playmates and seeing Kuroba! come to fruition,” said Nico Blauw, co-founder and CEO of BOTI. “We are very proud of what has been accomplished and equally excited to see Kuroba! finally come to market.”

Irene Weibel, co-founder of Sutikki, said, “We are proud to be able to build great content from the ground up with compelling characters and a deep mythology that will connect kids to the experience of playing with Kuroba! YouTube is the perfect home for these shorts that feature friendship, comedy and epic Kuroba! battles.”