French Cartoon Mouk Joins Ultra Kidz Lineup

Mouk, an animated short series produced by France’s Millimages, is due to debut on Olympusat’s Spanish-language children’s entertainment channel Ultra Kidz in the U.S.

Mouk, which follows the global adventures of a small bear and his friends, is meant to teach young viewers about cultural awareness and diversity. The show was penned by Isabeau Merle and Louise Victoria, and directed by François Narboux. It will premiere on Ultra Kidz on September 4 at 7:30 a.m.

“Ultra Kidz strives to make learning an enjoyable experience by offering educational programming for preschoolers and kids that’s positive and entertaining,” said Jesús Piñango, the director of TV content strategy at Olympusat. “The joyous animations make it easier for kids to connect to each character and learn about multiculturality and the wonders of the world. This series carries an extremely constructive message; Mouk’s interactions also encourage joy, respect and kindness, as well as enthusiasm for learning.”