Audrey’s Shelter Scores New Sales & UNESCO Support

The French animated series Audrey’s Shelter, co-produced by Watch Next Media, Image-in Atlantique and Peekaboo Animation, has earned the support of UNESCO and been sold to new broadcasters.

The series follows 7-year-old Audrey as she grows up in a sanctuary dedicated to endangered species, continuously discovering new animals and learning to coexist with them. UNESCO is set to welcome various primary school cohorts to its headquarters in Paris for the global premiere screening in early 2024.

With Kids First as distributor, the series has also been sold to a host of new broadcasters, including Finland’s Yle, the United Arab Emirates’ E-Junior, Switzerland’s RTS and the international channel TV5Monde.

Audrey’s Shelter is produced with the support of seven public channels from four different countries: France’s France Télévisions; Canada’s TVOkids, Radio-Canada, TFO and Knowledge; Germany’s ZDF; and Spain’s Clan TV/RTVE. It is based on an original concept by Sylvain Huchet and directed by Alexandre Coste.

“The commitment of so many key broadcasters across multiple territories reflects the universal appeal of Audrey’s Shelter,” said Philippe Alessandri, CEO of Watch Next Media. “The shelter of the series is based on several existing animal parks and reserves actively working to aid endangered species. We are convinced that children worldwide will be both entertained and inspired by this series to cherish the natural world.”