Two seasons of the animated show Grizzy & the Lemmings are part of HARI International’s slate at ATF.
“During MIPCOM we announced a partnership with Mango TV to launch the series in China,” says Adeline Tormo, the company’s head of sales. “We are very excited about this new collaboration, and we hope that this enthusiasm for the series will spread throughout Asia.” She adds: “We look forward to having Grizzy & the Lemmings on free TV in all Asian territories. We are developing a long-term brand, and we know that Asia is key for that kind of development.”
HARI is also showcasing Pipas & Douglas, a non-verbal comedy about two atypical performing artists—a spider and a larva—who will do anything to be a hit at the Music Hall. “HARI has earned a reputation for developing original character-driven creations with a distinct comedy trademark for family audiences,” says Tormo.