Zayn & Zayna’s Little Farm Respect-Themed Episode

The preschool animated series Zayn & Zayna’s Little Farm, created by Safi Productions, has released a new episode that tackles the subject of respect.

“We never intend to lecture, we never intend to judge, we just want to bring back some values that are still important,” said Wa’qaar A Mirza, writer and global CEO of Safi Productions. “Children are perceptible to views and attitudes, making teaching family values at a young age, quite simply, vital. We want to show that it doesn’t matter what your race, religion or beliefs are, we’re all the same and we all deserve to be respected.”

Zayn & Zayna’s Little Farm is a TV show and book series for preschool kids that follows the adventures of Zayn and Zayna, a British Muslim brother and sister duo, on their family farm. It introduces children to mindfulness, sustainability and diversity, which are taught through fun wholesome content. The series fourth episode, “Respect,” launched on YouTube earlier this month.

Additional educational Zayn & Zayna resources can be found on the series website,, where games, books and exclusive content are available. There is also an interactive app available via the Apple App Store and Google Play store.

Mirza said: “Zayn & Zayna’s Little Farm celebrates inclusive behavior and collaboration—our philosophy is that we find strength, joy and vitality in diverse communities coming together.”