S4C & Media Cymru Select Winners of Formats Development Funding


The Welsh public-service broadcaster S4C and research and development consortium Media Cymru have unveiled the nine production companies that will receive up to £10,000 ($12,800) in development funding as part of a global formats scheme.

The selected companies will receive funding and assistance to develop format ideas over the next three months, with S4C looking to pilot at least one of the pitches. The chosen companies are Wildflame Productions, Rondo Media, Chwarel Cyfyngedig, Little Bird Films, Orchard Media and Events Group, Cardiff Productions, Tomos TV, Ty’r Draig and Boom.

Iwan England, S4C’s head of unscripted, said: “S4C has built a track record of commissioning successful formats in recent years. Several selling to other broadcasters and territories, and we want to build on that success. This scheme aims to find the sweet spot between what works for S4C’s audiences, what the global formats market is looking for and Media Cymru’s emphasis on innovation through research and development. It’s been a creative and a collaborative experience, and I can’t wait to see the ideas once they’ve been fully developed.”

Sara Pepper, Media Cymru’s co-director, added: “This was a competitive process following two intensive training camps funded by Media Cymru and delivered in partnership with Grand Scheme Media and S4C. The training camps were unique opportunities for creative businesses in Wales to gain new insights into creating, financing, packaging and selling global formats that will appeal to television viewers around the world. Thanks to Media Cymru, the successful companies will now receive funding, develop their ideas and receive specialist support from Media Cymru as well as guidance from experts in Grand Scheme Media and S4C. I’m delighted to see what comes next for the final nine creative companies and the exciting new ideas and programs emerging from this opportunity.”

S4C’s Iwan England added: “The TV industry is experiencing so much turbulence at the moment, and I think this combination of training, information sharing, investment and ongoing support is a great response and a way of bridging the local and the global.”