Global Sales for Canada’s Smartest Person

LOS ANGELES/TORONTO: Electus has racked up worldwide sales for format rights for Media Headquarters’s Canada’s Smartest Person in Argentina and across Europe.

The multimedia entertainment studio secured agreements with Constantin Entertainment in Germany and Fremantle in France and Portugal. Electus also signed a deal with Mandarina Television that sees 16 episodes of the series being produced for Argentinean broadcaster El Trece. In 2015, Electus licensed Canada’s Smartest Person to Turkey’s TRT and Sera Film. The show tests participants in six categories of intelligence: visual, musical, logical, linguistic, physical and social. Viewers can play along with the related app for iOS and Android.

“We’re thrilled to see the Canada’s Smartest Person format successfully selling internationally,” said John Pollak, the president of Electus International. “The series is a hit in Canada and now audiences everywhere are seeing how entertaining the format is. Electus is committed to working with outstanding Canadian partners such as Media Headquarters and CBC on innovative formats that are in demand globally.”

The factual entertainment format is created and executive produced by Robert Cohen. It was originally developed in Canada for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). The show is produced by Media Headquarters in association with CBC.