Dori Media’s Power Couple Being Produced in Slovenia

TEL AVIV: Dori Media Group has licensed the reality format Power Couple to the Slovenian production company POPTV, which is planning to launch a local version in the spring.

The format comes from Abot Hameiri. It watches as eight couples face extreme challenges that test how well they really know each other. The show has been sold into ten countries, including India, China, Portugal, South Africa, Brazil, the U.S., Germany and Italy.

Nadav Palti, the CEO and president of Dori Media Group, commented: “Power Couple is one of our most replicated shows and we are delighted to have secured another international sale of the format. The fact that we have already sold the show to such a diverse range of countries across multiple continents is proof of how easily the format can be adapted for different cultures and audiences. We are sure that Power Couple will enjoy great success in Slovenia and we are confident that it will continue to prove popular across the globe.”