ZDF Studios Begins Preproduction on Kim Dotcom Series

Preproduction has begun on ZDF Studios and Boogie Entertainment’s The Kim Dotcom Story, based on David Fisher’s The Secret Life of Kim Dotcom: Spies, Lies and the War for the Internet.

The six-parter delves into the life of tech entrepreneur and Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom—from the development of his international empire to his fall at the hands of U.S. authorities in 2012 and his fight against them. Preproduction starts just after it was revealed that the New Zealand government will allow Dotcom to be extradited to face trial in the U.S. for numerous offenses, including copyright infringement and fraud.

The series, a co-production by Boogie Entertainment with Fuji Television Network and ZDF Studios, is scheduled for completion in 2025. It is being distributed exclusively by ZDF Studios.

“Pre-production has started successfully,” said Producer Rolant Hergert. “We are enthusiastic about James Payne’s scripts and the casting process has begun. In the autumn, we will be working with our New Zealand partners to further develop the cast and secure locations in Auckland and the surrounding area, including Dotcom’s spectacular estate. International interest in the series is immense and discussions are already underway with a .U.S streamer.”

Robert Franke, VP Drama at ZDF Studios, added, “I am very excited about this project because The Kim Dotcom Story takes a look behind the scenes of power and shows how economic interests can influence political decisions. Kim Dotcom’s story sheds light on the limits of digital freedom and how politics and lobbying influence it. It’s a story we need to tell because it concerns us all—not just in 2024, but far beyond.”