TiVo Research: Timeshifting Dominates Early Prime Time

ALVISO: Research on the viewing habits of TiVo subscribers reveals that shows in 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. slots experienced a marked increase in timeshifted viewing over programs in the 10 p.m. slot.

The data, from February, for TiVo’s Stop||Watch ratings service notes that the 9 p.m. timeslot was the most heavily timeshifted hour with 59 percent of viewers opting to record programming and watch it later. The 8 p.m. time slot follows with 58 percent timeshifted viewing. At 10 p.m., the percentage of viewers watching time-shifted programming falls to 53 percent, with 47 percent watching live.

Todd Juenger, the VP and general manager of TiVo Audience Research & Measurement, said of the results: "These findings underscore the fact that all broadcast prime-time time slots are not created equal. According to our research, when a television is attached to a DVR, not only is a majority of broadcast network programming between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. viewed in timeshifted mode, but, perhaps more importantly, 30 percent of this timeshifted viewing takes place within an hour of airing. So, it comes as no surprise that the 10 p.m. timeslot is getting squeezed from both sides. Much of the timeshifted viewing from the 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. airings stomps out the audience that would historically watch 10 p.m. programming in live mode…While some viewers will record programs aired at 10 p.m. for viewing later in the week, many are abandoning that hour of television altogether."

The research also reveals that ads by Monster.com and E*TRADE Financial were among the least fast-forwarded brands. "In this economic environment, it is not surprising that consumers would be interested in job opportunities and financial advice," Juenger added. "What is surprising is that despite the historically low number of new car purchases in the U.S., a number of car commercials including Mercedes Benz, Hyundai, Lexus and Nissan were among the brands least skipped by viewers. Perhaps consumers are keeping a careful eye out for special deals, or maybe the dearth of advertising from the Big 3 auto manufacturers is making these other car ads stand-out? Equally surprising, and for the first time in recent memory, not a single theatrical film made the least fast-forwarded list (although theatricals still dominated the most viewed timeshifted commercials, which measures highest timeshifted audience for specific commercial airings)—perhaps a sign that consumers are either not all that interested in what was playing in theaters in February, or, more likely, that despite what’s in theaters consumers are opting for in-home entertainment and choosing what’s on the TV (or their TiVo DVR) instead."