NBCU, TiVo in Interactive Ad Partnership

YORK, November 27: NBC Universal (NBCU) has reached a multiyear deal to begin
selling TiVo’s interactive advertising and has agreed to subscribe to TiVo's
Stop||Watch, a second-by-second commercial ratings research service.

As part of the
agreement, NBCU’s 14 television networks and 10 NBC owned-and-operated TV
stations will be able to offer advertisers the ability to purchase TiVo's
Interactive Tags in conjunction with other NBC advertising products. The tags
allow viewers to click on an icon when watching a commercial to obtain more
information about that advertiser and then return to the exact place they
exited viewing. NBC will also be able to offer its advertisers detailed reports
on the results of campaigns that include TiVo Interactive Tags. Under the
partnership, TiVo and NBC Universal will also work together to develop
additional advertising products and will share revenue where appropriate.

NBCU will also
begin utilizing TiVo Record Tags in its on-air promotions, which enable
one-click recordings of NBC programming on any of its broadcast or cable
networks when a promotional spot appears for the relevant show. NBC will use
the Record Tags to help viewers discover the full breadth of NBC programming
and to drive additional viewing.

Tom Rogers, the
president and CEO of TiVo, commented: "This is a watershed
moment for advertisers, broadcast and cable television and TiVo. We have been
working tirelessly to help the media industry better understand and solve the
significant strategic challenges they face in the age of the DVR. Partnering
with a TV powerhouse like NBC Universal to bring TiVo's intuitive advertising
solutions to a broad base of advertisers is a major step forward in the media
industry's efforts to make sure advertisers are able to adapt to the new world
of DVR based viewing."

Regarding NBC's subscription to TiVo's Stop||Watch ratings service, Rogers
commented: "We are thrilled that NBC is the first network to embrace our
Stop||Watch commercial ratings service and can measure audience viewing
behavior and ad campaigns on a second-by-second basis, in both Live and
Timeshifted viewing contexts. Moreover, NBC can benefit by using the
Stop||Watch service to evaluate the effectiveness of various efforts to retain
audience during commercial pods."

Mike Pilot, the
president of NBC Universal sales and marketing, said:
"With proliferating media options and changing consumer behavior, our
clients are asking for new ideas, better metrics, and more accountability. Our
partnership with TiVo is another example of NBCU's continuing effort to improve
the effectiveness of TV advertising for our clients, evolve the commercial
form, and expand the value of our advertising inventory."

He added, "We've made a commitment to our
advertisers to offer them better proof of performance and to help ensure their
marketing messages resonate in today's media environment. This partnership
allows us to provide clients with products and solutions to help them analyze,
understand and adapt to the new ways consumers are watching television."

—By Irene