HBO to Debut Sundance Award-Winning Doc

NEW YORK, March 14: On
April 8, HBO will premiere The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo, a documentary chronicling the plight of women and
girls in the African war zone.

Winner of a Special Jury
Prize at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, The Greatest Silence: Rape in the
follows director Lisa F.
Jackson’s crusade to expose this shocking reality. Forging a first-hand
connection with the people she meets in the war zones of the eastern Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC), Jackson interviews victims young and old, self-confessed
rapists, activists, U.N. peacekeepers and woefully under-funded local
law-enforcement officials. Jackson traveled alone and performed all production
functions (producer, director, photography, sound) herself.

On April 1, one week
before the film’s debut, Jackson will testify before the U.S. Senate’s
Subcommittee Hearing on Human Rights and the Law.

—By Ned Berke