G4 Series to Follow Real Military Personnel in Combat


LOS ANGELES: In the new G4 series Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan, viewers will meet real members of the U.S. Navy who have trained extensively to face the specialized challenges of this high-risk military position.

Produced by Big Fish Entertainment, under a special agreement with the United States Navy, and slated to launch in spring 2011, the series will get up close and personal with members of the U.S. Navy stationed in Afghanistan, who wear the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) badge. The show will present no-holds-barred training sessions where EOD techs train in desert facilities rigged for worst-case scenarios. Camera crews will be fully embedded in the operations of the featured EOD Mobile Unit Platoon, providing G4 viewers an insider’s look at this world that has never been seen before.

"There is simply no way to comprehend the incredible amount of pressure and split-second decision making these individuals must undertake in the worst possible physical conditions without riding along with them as our cameras will do," said Neal Tiles, the president of G4. "This is a rare opportunity to showcase the work of the courageous men and women on the front lines, and share with our viewers all the real-life drama, teamwork, danger and triumph that goes along with this specialized job. G4 viewers will see these real-life heroes putting their lives on the line as they go through what, for them, is just another day at the office."