CBC Offers 9/11 Docs for Presale

International Sales is offering for presale two investigative documentaries
about September 11, 2001, for broadcasters looking for titles to commemorate
the fifth anniversary of the attacks.

Al Qaeda War: The
Secret History of 9/11
, by
producer Terence McKenna, is an examination into the covert government
operations against the terrorist group and the intelligence failures that led
up to the attacks. It also features a minute-by-minute recounting of what
happened behind the scenes in the government as the events unfolded. 9/11:
Toxic Legacy
, produced by CBC for
the Discovery Times Channel, follows the investigation of New York Times reporters Tony DePalma and Marc Santora as they
explore the health impact of September 11 on the millions of people who call
the city home, and the firefighters, police, construction workers and
paramedics who rushed to the scene of the disaster.