Buyer Profile: Fox International Channels Asia


SINGAPORE: Michael Dick, head of acquisitions at Fox International Channels Asia, is looking into buying formats as he seeks out content for the region’s largest international channel network, which includes the flagship entertainment brands STAR World and FOX.

How much do you buy annually?
We buy a significant amount of premium product for FIC’s portfolio of 45 channels, including the iconic brands such as STAR World, STAR Movies, Fox Family Movies, Fox, FX, Fox Crime and the National Geographic bouquet of channels. We also search for the best content for both our local and pan-regional feeds, HD and SVOD variants.

What have been some of your most successful acquisitions recently?
I think FIC’s best deals are the ones that have been beneficial to every one concerned—the platform, the advertiser, the content provider and the channel. For instance, the agreement we reached with Shine International earlier this year not only allows FIC to acquire high-quality products, such as MasterChef and Got to Dance (which will be a key part of the new STAR World offering), but also delivers additional benefits in terms of exclusivity, such as first-runs and broadcasting rights on mobiles, Internet and so forth. This provides additional value to our affiliate partners, advertisers, and viewers.

Another recent acquisition is FIC’s volume deal with Disney to acquire a library of premium family movie content. This acquisition is a cornerstone for the newly launched Fox Family Movies. Disney is probably one of the best creators of products that engage the family as a whole and this acquisition deal will help strengthen the channel’s proposition. In addition, our deal also gives us access to HD product and On Demand Services. These initiatives enhance FIC’s overall entertainment channel portfolio and our leadership in this region.

Content partners also believe in FIC’s broadcasting and promotion services, and appreciate our global scale that increases audience awareness of their products.

What are the main genres you are acquiring?
As Asia’s largest international channel network, FIC buys just about all genres except children’s series, sports and news. FIC’s main focus is on movies and series, both reality and scripted. In the past we have focused solely on U.S. programming, but as the quality of production has increased significantly across the world, we do keep a lookout for product from other parts of the world. So in time, we would expect to provide our viewers with tried-and-tested programming as well as a first glimpse of high-quality, edgy, quirky, novel or groundbreaking shows.

What are some of the slots you are currently looking to fill?
This is changing constantly so the overall focus is less on slots and more on exclusive programming and true first-runs together with acquiring brands that complement the channels. Of course, we need to have the shelf space for the programs but we look at each programming opportunity as it arises.

Are you acquiring formats from the international market?
Yes, FIC has started to explore formats and we are planning to produce programming tailored to our local audiences. We are in no rush and will be very selective about the projects that we take on; however, we do see that access to international formats will absolutely make our entertainment channels even stronger. We are going to cast a wide net and look for all kinds of formats and program opportunities as opposed to simply picking up something comparable to another show that is doing well in the region or elsewhere. The main criteria will be an idea that has some sort of local relevance or is adaptable to local markets.

Are you interested in co-production opportunities? If so, are there any particular genres/countries you are looking at?
Co-production opportunities are always interesting so long as the partners are clear on what each will be getting out of the collaboration and no conflicts of interest exist to mar the project. We [premiered] The Walking Dead on FX on November 1 as a co-production with AMC, which enables us to move up the value chain by getting more broadcasting rights on different platforms and opening more launch windows, thus bringing significant value to our affiliate partners and viewers.  

Are you increasing your programming budget, now that the economy is in full recovery mode?
FIC has a very different mantra to some other businesses and we simply focus on the returns we can get from our investments. If we don’t need to spend then we won’t, despite having the facilities to do so. If an opportunity arises that’s worth pursuing, then we will consider pursuing it. The economy obviously plays a part and influences decisions but it’s only one factor of many.