BBC Gets New Comedy Commissioner

LONDON: Cheryl Taylor is to become the BBC’s new controller of comedy commissioning, taking up the role this fall.

Taylor is currently the BBC’s executive editor for Out of London comedy commissioning. She has been responsible for nurturing original comedies such as Gavin and Stacey, Sunshine, The Old Guys and Life Of Riley for BBC One; Rab C Nesbitt Christmas Special, The Cup and Home Time for BBC Two; Lunch Monkeys and The Gemma Factor for BBC Three; and The Cowards on BBC Four. The BBC will be recruiting for an Out of London commissioning executive for comedy who will also be based outside London covering in-house and indies.

Jana Bennett, director of BBC Vision, said: "This is the premier job in comedy in the U.K. Cheryl taps into the comedy community across the country and is widely respected throughout the industy and by both in-house and independent producers and controllers. Our audiences love great comedy and it’s extremely important to all of our channels and online. I can’t think of a better person to provide healthy doses of laughter than Cheryl.

Taylor commented: "I’m completely thrilled to be asked to head up the BBC’s extensive comedy operation—and in particular from my Manchester base. It’s the most exciting and diverse comedy job in the country and I’m delighted that the genre will have such a significant role to play in the BBC’s ongoing commitment to creative communities across the U.K."