Nordisk Showcases Interstitial Catalogue

CANNES, October 13: A collection of 100 one-minute clips
featuring endangered destinations in the world is among the new offerings being
showcased by Nordisk Film TV World at MIPCOM this week.

100 Places to Remember Before They Disappear features images of breath-taking scenes on
earth—the Ganges Delta, the Great Barrier Reef—that are, according
to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in danger of
disappearing. The clips have been adapted from a traveling photography exhibit
of the same name. The campaign intends to mobilize support in the lead-up to
the COP15: UN Climate Change Conference in Denmark on November 30. The
production company Co + Life has added movement to the still images from the
exhibition. Nordisk will donate a portion of its revenue back to eco-charities.

—By Mansha Daswani