Sparks Adds New Finnish Member

STOCKHOLM: Susamuru, a Finnish indie specializing in factual entertainment and kids’ programming, is the newest member to join Sparks Network. 

Susamuru is in production on more than ten projects currently, including the Tourist Guides, a daily docu-soap about a group of travel guides in a Turkish holiday resort; Class 9B, which follows a school class for six months; Peacemakers, which settles disputes between neighbors; and several programs for MTV3’s children’s channel Juniori. Sparks has other members in territories such as Turkey, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, France, the Middle East, Greece, Korea and Italy. 

"As an independent producer in today’s market you need an international structure to get access to attractive formats and push our your own ideas into international markets, but at the same we want to preserve our independence," said Kari Voutila, the CEO of Susamuru. "Sparks gives us both and through the network we look forward to expanding our international presence." 

"Susamuru is a great company that has all the qualifications we want from a Sparks member; creativity, respected position in the market and nice people to work with," added Nicola Soderlund, the president of Sparks Network.