Outright Picks Up The Happiness Project

LONDON: Outright Distribution has firmed up a deal with Finland’s Storyhouse for representation of its format The Happiness Project.

Outright now holds worldwide rights for the show, excluding Finland, as well as France and the Netherlands, where the show is already optioned to Fremantle’s local subsidiaries. The Happiness Project watches as five people take part in a six-month long experiment, which was devised and managed by Storyhouse and based on a Happiness Test developed by Duodecim, on the back of extensive research into the factors of happiness carried out by qualified and experienced professionals. The results of the participants’ Happiness Test and the issues behind their unhappiness are revealed in an opening studio-based episode. Then, with determination, positive psychology, a pair of coaches and support from each other, they try to improve their state of happiness by completing specific happiness activities tailored to their particular issues. At the end of a six-month period, they retake the test. The show aired on YLE TV1 in Finland this fall, and four participants out of five got considerably higher happiness scores. The Happiness Test is also made available to the public online. YLE, Storyhouse and Duodecim Medical Publications, subsidiary of Finnish Medical Society Duodecim are partners in the project.

Chris Bonney, the managing director of Outright Distribution, commented: "It’s great to be in business with quality partners such as Storyhouse, YLE and Duodecim and The Happiness Project is a classic feel-good format which is already attracting a lot of attention. Not many shows can offer a premise as important as helping to improve people’s state of happiness, that’s got to be a winner."