MIPJunior Spotlight: Motion Pictures Entertainment

A Spain-Ireland co-production on offer from Motion Pictures Entertainment, the preschool series MyaGO is making its premiere at MIPJunior.

MyaGO is an outstanding series in production with beautiful stories,” says Jorge Patiño Donaggio, sales manager and executive producer at Motion Pictures Entertainment. “Original in its design, with top-quality animation done in Spain, [it showcases] positive stories of a non-stereotypical little girl.”

White Dragons is a CGI and live-action project developed by Diagonal TV and Motion Pictures. It is about a mystery that must be solved by a group of international friends. Patiño Donaggio says: “It is a hybrid show in which there is a CGI character that will surprise everyone who watches the teaser.”

Motion Pictures Entertainment is also offering the second season of the preschool comedy Horaci the Inuit.