Holt Lands on RTÉ2


The animated fantasy adventure series Holt is set for an April debut on Ireland’s RTÉ2.

Produced by Igloo Animations (Tales from Dun Draíochta) and backed by Screen Ireland, RTÉ and Coimisiún na Meán, the 26-episode series is targeted to kids ages 8-plus. RTÉ2 and RTÉ Kids will begin airing back-to-back episodes starting April 7.

The show comes from creator Trevor Courtney.

Holt is the kind of show we dreamed of making when we first got into animation,” said Courtney, producer and director of Igloo Animations. “This show is a celebration of imagination, storytelling and the incredible Irish animation and voice talent that brings it to life. We’re beyond excited to share Holt with audiences across Ireland and hope it brings the younger Irish audience as much entertainment as the shows that we watched did when we were our younger selves.”

Holt is co-produced with Digitoonz India, with the support of Screen Ireland, RTÉ and Coimisiún na Meán. Monster Entertainment is distributing the series.