Saturday, December 21, 2024


M6 Group’s Maud Branly

July 8, 2022

Maud Branly, the children’s acquisitions director and international TV channels children’s programming director for the M6 Group, talks to World Screen Newsflash about what’s on her wish list for programming acquisitions.

Kristen Bell

June 3, 2022

Kristen Bell talks about the value of music education in children’s lives and the preschool series Do, Re & Mi’s ability to “sneak teach” important life lessons.

CBC’s Marie McCann

May 6, 2022

Marie McCann, senior director of children’s content at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), talks about the types of programming she’s looking to acquire.

KiKA’s Sebastian Debertin

April 22, 2022

The head of international content acquisitions on what’s resonating with the channel's audiences and outlines his wish lists for co-productions and acquisitions in the months ahead.

DR’s Niels Lindberg

December 17, 2021

The commissioning editor of Ramasjang and Minisjang on the complexities and rewards of serving young ones with public-service content today.