A brand-new studio game-show format developed by Nippon TV and ITV Studios, Stacking It! features two teams racing to compete and build the tallest tower of prizes to win what they’ve stacked up.
In the game-show format Crush Park, players crush walls and various objects to conquer obstacle courses and be the ultimate crusher. The studio game show Mute it! has one simple rule: don’t make a sound.
“It brings a breath of fresh air to a world normally filled by loud game shows,” says Tom Miyauchi, format producer of international business development at Nippon TV.
He adds, “As people try to overcome the stressful pandemic, there is no better moment for Nippon TV to offer all of these thrilling game-show formats far removed from daily reality to the family audiences around the world.”
“Our latest game-show format additions bring viewers much-needed escapism and stress-busting entertainment to overcome the challenges of the current times,” says Miyauchi.