Flor Latina’s Easy Money to Begin Production in April

BUENOS AIRES: Guita Fácil (Easy Money), which was introduced to the international market by Flor Latina Entertainment Group during MIPCOM, will begin shooting in April, with Carlos Portaluppi and Carolina Peleritti in the lead roles.

Written by Marcelo Camaño, Easy Money is based on an original idea by Edgardo Kawio, who will also be directing the project, and Camaño. Easy Money tells the story of a security guard working at a cosmetic company. He is weighed down by financial problems and the only thing he cherishes is a collection of tango records and a very old car he inherited from his father. His life changes forever when he overhears a private conversation at work. From then on, he is involved in an endless chain of events that leads him to run a very profitable business, pay his debts and run away from his enemies. Easy Money is produced by Logia Films.

Silvana D’Angelo, the CEO of Flor Latina Entertainment Group, commented: “We feel happy and proud to be part of this wonderful project together with Logia Films, which has such a talented and avant garde team. The story is appealing for all cultures and social classes. I think that having Carlos Portlaluppi playing the leading role as an ‘anti hero,’ will generate situations full of humor, but also those that could deeply touch our emotional fiber. This is a story that has it all, that offers something different from what we’ve been seeing till today, and an important plot trigger: what are we ready to resign while we search for the ‘happiness formula?’ An incredible script backed up by a team of writers with a great deal of experience in relation to the Latin American fiction, and on top of everything: the sophistication and mystery of tango environment, that offers the perfect opportunity to wrap the story in a unique glamor halo.”